From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data

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Find duplicates and stray values with Conditional Formatting

Find duplicates and stray values with Conditional Formatting - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data

Find duplicates and stray values with Conditional Formatting

- Here's a situation where we have duplicate records. We see Bernard Evans is in here three times, looking over in the Course Completions column. We want to keep the entry that's on row four because it shows his completions are A, B, C, and D. That cell has the most complete values. The one with just a C in it that might have been when he purchased course C but the completion is tied to row four. 'Kay. So we want to identify the duplicates. Okay. Imma highlight the column. Conditional formatting, highlight cell rules, duplicate values. Leave this at light red feel with dark red text. Okay. Let's look at this. Scroll down. Okay. Rich Chauvaine. Right, so I want to delete this one. Hortencia Wallace. Let's delete either one of those because they have the same data next to it. So we could go through and look at the duplicates and clear those out. Clear out the ones that we don't want. Next. Names2. Now this…
