From the course: Excel: Managing and Analyzing Data

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A quick word about PivotTables

A quick word about PivotTables

- [Instructor] Here's a quick word about pivot tables. A lot of people have heard of them, they've heard the fascination about pivot tables And then in workshops, I will show how to make a pivot table, And then there's this disappointed groan. Where's the magic? What's the big deal? Well, the big deal is this. We are looking at this data set here with date going all the way over to tax receipts sent. We've got the names, donations, the state where the donations came from, and the method of payment. So let's scroll down. Notice that there are empty sales, but we don't have any complete empty rows or columns. That's one thing that gets people tripped up about pivot tables is you have to have one solid data set, no empty rows or columns. Let's take a brief detour. Often, a workbook will get created like this. You've got January and then a February tab, and then a March tab. It's great for looking at the data by month.…
