From the course: Excel: Lookup Functions in Depth

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VSTACK and HSTACK: Stack multiple arrays into a vertical or horizontal array

VSTACK and HSTACK: Stack multiple arrays into a vertical or horizontal array - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Lookup Functions in Depth

VSTACK and HSTACK: Stack multiple arrays into a vertical or horizontal array

- [Instructor] Excel's VSTACK and HSTACK functions allow, as their name suggests, stacking data. V for vertical, H for horizontal. On this worksheet called VSTACK, we've got three separate lists here. Each of them is a table, a full-time table, it's green. We've got an orange table in the middle, part-time. And the blue table is a contract table. And they've got different numbers of rows in them. You can see as I scroll up and down here. And imagine these might be our master lists. And in real life, of course, they would probably have a lot more columns than this. What we want to do is to create a subordinate list, and maybe we've done it manually already over columns, M, N, and O, where we've taken all that data and essentially stacked it up. Then, we might want to sort it and do other things with it. But at different times, these tables will change. New employees, employees leave. It's going to be changing a lot, let's say. And we want our list over in column M to always be…
