From the course: Excel: Lookup Functions in Depth

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Using the XMATCH and INDEX functions together

Using the XMATCH and INDEX functions together - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Lookup Functions in Depth

Using the XMATCH and INDEX functions together

- [Instructor] On this worksheet called "INDEX with MATCH", we've got a list over in columns A through F. And you could imagine in a real life scenario, we might have something like this much larger. We've got months down the left side in column A. We could just as easily have weeks, it would be about 52 or so for a year, and we could have different fiscal years. So the list could be much larger. Of course, we could have many, many more items across the top. What we'd like to be able to do, and by way perhaps of a pick list, but in this example we'll simply do some typing, we want to be able to put in a Month here in cell J2, and then a Product and come up with a number. Now of course, because the list is small, we can see the answers ahead of time. We know this is going to be 6196. We're looking in the row for May and the column for Desks, and sure enough, it's 6196. But let's do this by way of a formula. And again, imagine how we would use this if the list were much larger too…
