From the course: Excel: Lookup Functions in Depth

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New and expanded capabilities using XLOOKUP

New and expanded capabilities using XLOOKUP - Microsoft Excel Tutorial

From the course: Excel: Lookup Functions in Depth

New and expanded capabilities using XLOOKUP

- [Narrator] In earlier movies in this chapter, we talked about the capabilities of XLOOKUP matching all possibilities of using VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP. But there are some additional capabilities as well. We can do what's referred to as a wild card search. We can also do a bottom up search. In columns, D, E, and F, we've got a list. These licenses that are being used here have been altered over the years in terms of the scheme being used. We're looking for licenses that have the letter P. We want to find the first one. Now, quick eyeballing here, you can find it right here. But imagine a real life scenario where maybe these licenses are a lot bigger or there are thousands of them, trying to find the first license that has the letter P in it. So we'll be using the wild card option. At the bottom of the screen here in this orange panel, you'll see as a reminder the six different arguments that we could be using with XLOOKUP. Remember, only the first three are required. So in cell A3 equal…
