From the course: End-to-End Real-World Data Engineering Project with Databricks
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Databricks account creation
From the course: End-to-End Real-World Data Engineering Project with Databricks
Databricks account creation
- [Presenter] Before moving forward to start implementing our Databricks project, the first step which we need is to have the Databricks account. If you already have a Databricks account, you can skip this video and move to the next. However, if you don't have the Databricks account, let's just see how you can create a free Databricks account. Go to the Google and search for Databricks free account. You will get the first link, which says try Databricks for free. You can make a Databricks free trial account by going directly to this Databricks website. If you already have an Azure account, then Databricks also comes with Azure. You don't need to create a separate Databricks account in that case. You can continue using your Azure Databricks itself. Let's assume you don't have even the Azure Databricks account. So let's click directly this link and create Databricks account from the Databricks itself. Now here, it'll ask you some basic detail, like your first name, last name, email…
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