From the course: End-to-End Real-World Data Engineering Project with Databricks

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Create the Bronze layer database

Create the Bronze layer database

- [Instructor] Let's create a notebook. In that notebook, we are going to create our Bronze layer database. Give the name to the notebook, (keyboard clacks) Bronze_layer_DB_creation. (keyboard clacks) Now, to run any notebook, we need to have the cluster. So before moving on to this, let's quickly start the cluster so that it gets started while we write our code. So click on Compute. Create compute, and as we are using it for our testing purpose, you can choose a single node cluster as well, and you can start a compute cluster. Now, let's go back to our recent notebook that is Bronze_layer_DB_creation, meanwhile cluster is getting started. Let's create our Bronze layer database. Now, how to create that Bronze layer database? You can write a code saying spark.sql, and you can say, ("create database bronze_layer"). Let me correct the spelling, ("create database bronze_layer"). Now, this will going to create the database, but, sometimes, if you rerun this command again, this will going…
