From the course: Electronics Foundations: Semiconductor Devices

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Operational amplifier characteristics

Operational amplifier characteristics

- [Instructor] There's a wide variety of operational amplifiers that have different characteristics, making them more suitable for some applications than others. And as with most things in life, you can expect to pay more for the op-amp models that have better performance characteristics. For the op-amp circuits I'll be building in this course, I'll use the LM358 operational amplifier. It's a relatively low cost op-amp that works well enough for most low-power hobbyist applications. And as an added bonus, the LM358 actually contains two separate op-amps within a single package, which can come in handy when building complex designs with multiple op-amps. Although there are other op-amps on the market that have better performance characteristics, I found that the 358 is a good go-to part for my own projects. And it's a good one to start with for beginners. As I describe some of the key characteristics to consider when…
