From the course: Electronics Foundations: Semiconductor Devices
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Challenge: Audio equalizer
From the course: Electronics Foundations: Semiconductor Devices
Challenge: Audio equalizer
(upbeat techno music) - It's time for a final challenge. This is your chance to practice using op-amp circuits as building blocks to create more complicated devices. For this challenge, I need your help to design an audio equalizer to use in my stereo. An equalizer is an electronic device that's used to adjust the balance of different frequency components in an electrical signal. They're commonly used in audio systems to control how music will sound when it's played on different speaker systems. The equalizer consists of a bank of electronic filters. Each filter has a different passband, and the gain of each filter can be individually controlled to allow more or less of its specific frequency content through. In a recording studio, it's not uncommon to encounter expensive equalizer boards that have 30 or more adjustable frequency bands. On the other end of the spectrum, low cost equalizers, like you might find on a car…
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