From the course: Elearning Essentials: Instructional Design

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Defining your learner

Defining your learner

- [Instructor] The great musician, Bruce Springsteen once said, "Getting an audience is hard. "Sustaining an audience is hard. "It demands a consistency of thought, of purpose, "and of action over a long period of time. "So before you dive into shaping what you are creating, "really being able to envision an audience is crucial." So, you need to identify who your learner is. Do this by asking who are you creating this for and how are you going to ensure your learner's success? Well, let's keep in mind that all learners are different. Some learners thrive in an online learning environment, while others do not. So what type of learners do thrive online? Well, they tend to be computer and internet savvy, self-starters, disciplined, they mostly prefer a visual and auditory mode, and they're self-aware. They understand their own learning needs and know how to speak up for themselves. On the flip side, there are types of learners who may struggle with e-learning. These people tend to be…
