From the course: Dreamweaver CC Essential Training
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Style images - Dreamweaver Tutorial
From the course: Dreamweaver CC Essential Training
Style images
- [Instructor] We've inserted three images in index.html of the Landon Hotel site, given them alternative text, and removed the width and height attributes from the underlying html. But removing the width and height doesn't make them responsive. A very simple method of making images resize in response to available screen width is to nest them inside another element and to use CSS to control their width. So in this exercise, we'll make these three images responsive, and give them some other styles. I've got the image of the guest room selected, and in the tag selector at the bottom, we can see there is the image, if we move up the html hierarchy, it's nested inside an A tag, in other words, a link. Links are in line elements, so we can't use that to control the width of the image, but moving further up the hierarchy, it's inside a section element. We can use that to control the width. So let's take a look at the styles for the section element. We're in live view, so we can use the up…
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