From the course: Drawing Foundations: Fundamentals
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Preparation of the picture plane
From the course: Drawing Foundations: Fundamentals
Preparation of the picture plane
It's so important to get the first stages of your drawing right. And this is where a frame can really help to focus in on what you're looking at. So what I've got here is just a black frame that we can draw around. And I've also got the perspects, and this just helps us to act as that picture plane for us to draw onto. So what I've got here is two pens. I've got a permanent marker and a overhead projector marker. So, let's have these laid out and I'll just show you how I mark it up onto the perspects. So I've got my perspects laid down flat and I've got our black frame. So what you need to do is just line it up really carefully. So it's completely square to the frame, and then with your permanent marker just go around the inside of this actual frame. So, we've got a permanent frame on to the perspects. So now we've got this frame. Wherever we move it about, we've always got something that we can line up within our composition. So let's have a look at the picture plane and see how…
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