From the course: Delivering Results Effectively

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How to follow up to measure results

How to follow up to measure results

From the course: Delivering Results Effectively

How to follow up to measure results

- The last component of accountability is follow-up. It isn't enough to do what we're supposed to do. We must measure the result we're trying to get. English mathematician Karl Pearson has been credited with the following: "That which is measured improves. "That which is measured "and recorded improves exponentially." Follow-up is the way in which you gauge and maintain your accountability. The measurement takes place between the accountability partner and you. Your coach or mentor needs to check in with you on a regular basis to see how you're doing. My coaching clients report to me on a weekly basis about their time management and leadership numbers. Conversely, I report to my business coach on a weekly basis on pretty much the same numbers. Just because I'm an expert doesn't mean I don't need follow-up. Therapists need therapists, doctors need doctors, and everyone needs accountability. There are a couple of ways your accountability partner can follow-up with you. First is through…
