From the course: Deep Learning: Getting Started

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Predicting root causes with deep learning

Predicting root causes with deep learning

From the course: Deep Learning: Getting Started

Predicting root causes with deep learning

- Let's not proceed to predict root causes. The code for predictions is available in section 6.4 of the notebook. We will first predict for a single input sample. We set the values for the seven feature variables. We then use the model to predict the probabilities for the various classes. Then we use the argmax function to extract the position with the highest probability. Finally, we use the label and coder to retrieve the string class value for the root cause. Let's predict for a single input now, the prediction is a database issue. We can also perform a batch prediction in a similar fashion for multiple incidents in one shot, as shown here, let's run from multiple samples and review the results. This concludes our exercise for this course.
