From the course: Deep Learning: Getting Started

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Exercise problem statement

Exercise problem statement

- [Instructor] Now that we have learned the concepts of deep learning and utilized them in a couple of examples, let's go ahead and try the learnings in a student exercise. You are expected to try out this problem on your own, and then visit the remaining videos in this chapter to review the sample solution. There are, of course, multiple ways to solve any problem. The solution provided here is only one such way. The use case to solve relates to root cause analysis of problems found in a data center. We have a data center that runs a number of software services. Service failures do happen from time to time, and the data center team needs to quickly troubleshoot and identify the root cause. The team wants to build a model that can predict root causes reported by customers based on the telemetry generated and errors noticed. They already have a system monitoring tool that tracks CPU, memory, and application latency characteristics of their servers. In addition, they also track errors…
