From the course: Decision-Making Strategies

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Defining decision-making

Defining decision-making

- It's important to realize that decision-making is actually a process. And it's the process of selecting a choice from my range of possible options, with a goal of achieving a very specific objective. Now, contrast that with judgment. Judgment is the ability to form an opinion or reach a conclusion based on available information plus prior experience. So as you go to make a decision, there are some important principles to keep in mind. First, be clear about the objective. You need to understand what you're optimizing for or trying to achieve as you make that particular decision. Second, decide who gets to decide and who doesn't. Be clear about who's going to be involved in the decision-making process. You need to define who to involve and how to involve them. Some people are going to provide input, other people will provide perspective on implementation, other people will actually make the decision, and having…
