From the course: Decision Intelligence

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Objective decision-making

Objective decision-making

- We'll be talking about data soon. So now's the moment to tell you about something very uncomfortable called confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is a psychological effect where what you already believe affects how you perceive information. In other words, a fact isn't just a fact in black and white anymore when you have it printed on a page, how you see and absorb and process that information is not neutral, it's not objective, in any sense, that number is going to be read differently by you. Remembered differently. You're going to pay different attention to it all based on what you already believe before you even see that number. This should trouble you, especially if you ever end up in a position of decision responsibility where you're hiring staff to go and process data for you. Now you know that whatever they bring you, your brain is going to do something with that and you might not even realize what you're doing with…
