From the course: Data Ethics: Managing Your Private Customer Data

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Ethical relativism vs. objectivism

Ethical relativism vs. objectivism

- Ethics has a long and complex history, but generally, to tackle moral questions, we need to think about ethics in two ways: there's ethical relativism and ethical objectivism. With ethical relativism, there's no universal, agreed-to right and wrong answer. Instead, you accept the fact that human beings created morality itself, and because it's a human invention, people can create their own ethical answers to complex moral questions. Let's say you're deciding whether or not to sell some of your customer data to another company. Some people in the meeting might argue that it's unethical. Someone else might say that selling the data is saving the customer money. If you can't sell the data, then you'll have to charge more money to use the products. Both of these statements might be true, they also might be morally right. So, with ethical relativism, you have to decide which of these arguments is the most persuasive. Every…
