From the course: Data-Driven Decision-Making for Business Professionals

Getting value from data to draw business conclusions

From the course: Data-Driven Decision-Making for Business Professionals

Getting value from data to draw business conclusions

- When you need to make a decision, there's no stress, right? You know exactly what data to use, where to get it, how to analyze it, how to package it to gather your conclusions, how to present it to just the executive team, you know, in like 30 minutes, no problem, right? Oh yeah, you have no idea where to look, who to ask, what to do, and even if you did, the data source is a mess and your deadline is absolutely insane. So yeah, this is overwhelming, and unfortunately, pretty common. Some people just ignore that they have data to use for decisions at all, but it doesn't have to be this way. This course is here to help you sift through the data and help make smart business decisions. As an overly passionate business analysis professional, I love the power of data. Yes, it can be overwhelming, but stick with me here. Data properly leveraged can bring clarity. It can actually make things easier. And best of all, you end up with clearly defined recommendations that drive successful business decisions. Let's learn how to find that good data. Let's go beyond trends and explaining why things happen. Let's instead focus on how to leverage the real power of data.
