From the course: Cubase Pro 10 Essential Training: The Basics

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Creating the first project

Creating the first project

- Okay so we saw the Steinberg hub in action in the last tutorial. We found it by clicking appropriately there on the menu and then choosing the top option from the drop-down list. It's predominantly presented as two columns with news and tutorials on the left, with projects at the right, with many template types available to us to get started. We would choose from any of these six project template categories. As we appreciate the hub is a useful method of starting a project when we want to use a template or if we want to start an empty project without any tracks automatically added. Additionally we saw how it's left-hand column provides us with Steinberg news and offers as well as quick access to forums and further starter tutorials. I'll just cancel out of this for now. It's called the hub because Steinberg wants you to regard it as the main area that we look at when we want to start Cubase. However if you don't wish to run the hub when starting a project with its left-hand side of…
