From the course: CompTIA Linux+ (XK0-005) Cert Prep

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Copy files between systems

Copy files between systems

- [Instructor] The easiest way to copy a file from a local Linux host to a remote Linux host is using the SCP command. SCP uses the authentication and tunnel link functionality of SSH, so if you can SSH to a remote host, chances are you can secure a copy to it. The syntax for SCP is fairly simple. SCP followed by command options, then the local file or file pattern followed by the destination. Because the destination is a remote host, you'll need to include the username at the host name colon, and the remote path. Options that may be useful are -capital C to specify the remote SSH port if it's not the default. - P preserves permissions and ownership. - R copies files recursively. - capital C to compress the files if the network connection is slow. - lowercase C to specify the cipher used. Some ciphers require fewer CPU cycles and can speed up a copy. - I for the ID file for passwordless authentication. If these options…
