From the course: Components of Effective Learning
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Irresistible elearning (CCAF)
From the course: Components of Effective Learning
Irresistible elearning (CCAF)
- You know, many individuals and companies have asked me to look at their training programs for a lot of reasons. And in doing so they've described what they've done and they've set my expectations pretty high for what I'd see. Currently, I found what I heard described. And why is that? What are the elements that are essential for e-Learning success that we need to be focused on that we need to be talking about? I learned that the presence of the absence of the nature of just four components described the most important aspects of design. And they reveal a lot about whether a design is going to be effective. So, first of all of course, it helps instructional programs achieve their goals. If learners know what the program is intended to do for them. The importance of this was identified decades ago by Robert Mager, who was just for your information an accomplished unicyclist, banjo player, ventriloquist, crime…
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