From the course: Components of Effective Learning

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Good, better, and best contexts

Good, better, and best contexts

- Hey, let's talk about context. No strike that, strike that. Let's talk about the extreme of no context. Let's remove all the context for this video. There, we pretty much got nothing, no context. How interesting is that? Everybody does better than this of course but, often not much better. What if we start introducing content right away? Pretty much if already that context is so often it's done. What about if we add graphics and color to the slides. And you might hear the instructor say it's a central that you know the relative cooking times for each of these following items. And if the next slide lists more food, which might very well and over and over boredom, perhaps even frustration starts setting in quickly. Anxiety for some, might skyrocket because they're worried, do I have to memorize this list or not? How am I going to be called on? Do I have to list 'em. While others are thinking this is ridiculously basic I…
