From the course: Components of Effective Learning

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Challenges that build on context

Challenges that build on context

- So we've seen that risk can be a really valuable component of great learning experiences. But now the question is how do we incorporate risk to be most effective? You first want to set incremental performance goals so that you can move the level of challenge up and down as each learner needs. By establishing incremental goals, learners focus on their own progress. It takes effort of course, to practice and learn, but if we can get people thinking about the goal, they're more likely to persevere. This guides learners to skill mastery, but we don't want to coddle learners. A lot is learned from making mistakes and people like overcoming challenges where they couldn't before. Some organizations are very concerned about frustrating learners, generating complaints, or simply losing learners because they were too strongly challenged but effective challenges engage learners and keep them focused. So we want to focus on…
