From the course: Components of Effective Learning

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Authentic instructional activities

Authentic instructional activities

From the course: Components of Effective Learning

Authentic instructional activities

- So we obviously want our learners to become successful, right? Success in my view always comes from just one thing, it comes from doing the right thing at the right time. Now I know it sounds kind of simple, but doing the right thing at the right time has a lot of elements to it. It's a lot about motivation to actually do it. It's a lot about capability so that you can do it, it's about being able to solve problems. A lot of that falls right in the lap of the work that we do to help educate and train people in authentic context. In CCAF the A stands for activity; is we want our learners to do something to perform successfully and that takes practice and what we call authentic activity. We stress the importance of authentic activity meaning that we want learners to perform tasks that require at least the same cognitive activity, if not exactly the same physical activity as would be necessary in the real world. As you look…
