From the course: Complete Guide to AI and Data Science for SQL: From Beginner to Advanced

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Solution: Interpretation

Solution: Interpretation

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] So here's the solution to our challenge. This arrangement is the correct order of the steps that we were given. First start by loading the bakery sales dataset, which contains data on daily sales, temperature, and advertising spend. Next, apply linear regression to create a basic sales prediction model. You'll predict daily sales using temperature and advertising spend as factors. Thirdly, interpret the coefficients of the temperature and advertising spend in your model. Determine which factor has a stronger impact on daily sales. For example, does temperature or advertising spend have a more significant effect on sales? Next, evaluate your model. Calculate the average predicted daily sales using your model. Compare it to the actual average daily sales to assess how well your model performs in predicting sales. And lastly, provide three simple recommendations to your bakery manager on how…
