From the course: Communicating with Diplomacy and Tact

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Saying no tactfully

Saying no tactfully

- Rob was invited to lunch by his former supervisor, John. They haven't seen each other for a while. And even though Rob likes John as a person, he looks back at the job in that specific organization and remembers being frustrated by the bureaucracy and lack of vision. - We are doing lots of cool stuff back at the center. You know, and we'd love to have your energy and expertise back. Now, I know you're set where you are. But I'd be happy to top your pay. And you can even take some time off in between with your family. I mean, if you wanted, before you start. Look, I'm sorry to be so forthright, but we would like you to come back. What do you think? - This offer catches Rob off guard. But John is insistent enough that this is not something Rob can respond to in an email. He has to say something. Which of the following responses is the most tactful and diplomatic? A, Rob thanks John for the offer and kindly declines.…
