From the course: Collaborative Leadership

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Brainstorming to increase collaboration

Brainstorming to increase collaboration

From the course: Collaborative Leadership

Brainstorming to increase collaboration

- Have you ever led a meeting where one or two people dominated the conversation while more introverted team members didn't speak up? The essence of collaboration is ensuring that everyone contributes. One way to do this is by leading inclusive brainstorming sessions. Here's a review of the classic technique. Start with a warm-up exercise, especially if the group doesn't brainstorm frequently. Use word games or puzzles or humor to set an atmosphere that's relaxed, fun, and freewheeling. Focus initially on quantity, not quality of ideas. Encourage people to say anything that occurs to them, no matter how silly or obvious those ideas may seem. Remind everyone to participate either with a new idea or by piggybacking, adding onto other people's input. The brainstorming session should be broken into two parts, the first for idea generation and the second for evaluation. During the generation phase, no one should be allowed to…
