From the course: Cisco Network Security: Content and Endpoint Security

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Email encryption

Email encryption

- [Instructor] Cyberattacks continue to propagate the news. Reports surfaced on malware destroying files, attackers stealing terabytes of sensitive information, and personnel data and emails being compromised. All these activities lead to data loss in an organization. Stealing company information and trade secrets is a well-known challenge that businesses strive to protect against. And it goes undetected as many times companies do not notice any abnormal network activity. The most common type of business and personal communication is email, yet it's also the least secure, as email wasn't designed to be private. Plain email is transmitted via Simple Mail Transport Protocol in MIME format. MIME is Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. This was designed to overcome some of the limitations of plain email. However, if someone gets ahold of a plain text email, they can read the contents, and a sender's name can be spoofed.…
