From the course: CIPP/US Cert Prep: 2 Private Sector Privacy

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The FTC Act

The FTC Act

- [Narrator] The Federal Trade Commission is the most powerful regulatory body in the United States, when it comes to the privacy of personal information. The FTC's authority is broad in scope applying to almost every business and is also deep in nature, applying to many different kinds of business process. Congress established the Federal Trade Commission in 1914, when they enacted the FTC act into law. This Act appears in the United States code as title 15, section 45, and it outlines the authority of the commission to regulate commerce in the United States. specifically section 5(a) of the Act contains the powerful language that extends the FTC's authority to cover privacy and security in broad strokes. This section reads in part that "unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce are hereby declared unlawful." Two key words in that phrase, unfair and deceptive provide the basis for the FTC's…
