From the course: Championing the Customer in Everything You Do
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From the course: Championing the Customer in Everything You Do
Enterprise-wide collaboration
- When you champion the customer in everything you do, what you're really doing is helping to make things easier for them. And is there value in that for your organization? Absolutely. The research firm Siegel+Gale surveys thousands of customers every year to measure how easy it is for them to understand and engage with different companies. And they consider factors such as how clear is the communication, the intuitiveness of product design, efficiency of processes, that sort of thing. So companies that currently rank well include Samsung, Uniqlo, Netflix, Ikea, and others. Since 2009 and into 2023, they found that the publicly traded simplest brands outperform the average global stock index by an astonishing 1600%. And the gap continues to grow. According to the same study, 64% of consumers are willing to pay more for simpler experiences, and 78% are more likely to recommend a brand. And while the economic measures are different, governments and nonprofits that emphasize simplicity…
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