From the course: Championing the Customer in Everything You Do

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Develop this as a lifelong skill

Develop this as a lifelong skill

- It's so easy to get knocked off a balance. We get caught up in the demands around us and can lose focus so quickly. And I'll tell you a secret. I've made my career in customer experience and I get knocked off balance so quickly. These steps in the CENTERED approach bring me back into alignment. They've been incredibly helpful to me and I've seen them work wonders with many others. So the final step in CENTERED is to develop and use these skills for a lifetime. And keep using them. And let me make some specific recommendations. One is to memorize each of the steps in the CENTERED approach. Customers first, engage proactively, navigate the journey, and the rest. Second, practice them. Put them to use every day. Third, teach them to your colleagues. In fact, teach 'em to your kids or others in your circle who are up and coming. What we're really talking about is serving those around us more effectively. That unleashes enormous potential for all of us. Fourth and so important, have a…
