From the course: Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) Cert Prep

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Data governance

Data governance

- [Instructor] Okay, let's go ahead and talk about data governance and the controlling factors that are going to support the protection of our assets. So the first thing we want to do, and I've just mentioned it in the previous video, that we have data owners and data custodians. Data owners, those are the lines of business. So sales data belongs to the sales department, right? Now, you may hear that come up on the exam as lines of business, but call it data owner, they might call it the business units. You want to be, you know, just looking out for that concept and that idea. And the important thing about the data owner is they're the ones that determine the value of the data, the classification of the data, who gets to access the data. They're the ones that are accountable for the risks associated with the data. So there's a lot of responsibility on that data owner. And of course they have to have guidance through our classification policies and so on, which we're going to look at…
