From the course: CCSK Cert Prep: 4 Data Security for Computing

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Deploying PaaS cloud databases

Deploying PaaS cloud databases

- [Instructor] In the cloud, there are many ways that you can deploy databases. If you really want to do everything manually yourself. Well, you can deploy your own virtual machines and then install your own database software and then configure databases accordingly. Or you can use a manager solution. In other words, platform as a service or PaaS And that's what we're going to do here in Azure. I'm going to start by choosing create a resource. Now I can actually search for what I want or I can just choose in this case the databases category over on the left. And maybe here what I'll do is say, I want to deploy SQL database in the Azure cloud. That this is going to be a managed solutions. I don't have to worry about setting up the virtual machines or installing Microsoft SQL server. So I'm going to deploy this into an existing resource group. I'll give it a database name. I'll call it testdb1. But as we know, if we are…
