From the course: Camtasia 2020 Essential Training: The Basics

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Camtasia workflows

Camtasia workflows

- [Narrator] The basic screencasting workflow that we just stepped through in the last few movies of recording your computer screen and microphone, editing and Camtasia and sharing to a cloud service, such as Google Drive, YouTube, Vimeo, or is the foundation of all workflows for Camtasia. Let's take a minute and look at some other common variations on this theme from a high level view. And the first variation is a brand new feature in Camtasia 2020, and that is using a project template. Project template based workflows help you speed up and streamline your content creation process by using a brand new project type in Camtasia, a template file, that is often shared to you from another member of your organization or created by you to speed up your own workflows. You use a template by dropping media clips on to a new type of clip called a placeholder clip. The rest of the project is already assembled for you,…
