From the course: Business Analysis: Essential Tools and Techniques

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Setting up your basic context diagram

Setting up your basic context diagram

- [Instructor] Any visual that helps teams do great work by understanding what is going on and what should be considered is always a good thing. And a context diagram is exactly that. To start a context diagram, let's get a blank sheet we can put a model on. I'm using a modeling software here called Lucidchart, but remember, anything that can let you capture context can work from Microsoft Office to a whiteboard to pen and paper. And now I'm just going to start with the basic shapes, a circle. Here, I'll start my example and put the project main deliverable in the center. The website upgrade. You want to build these with your stakeholders as much as possible, so I'd share my screen and start asking those questions of what do we need to deliver? And my stakeholders might say an upgrade to website. So I'll add an element, upgraded website, or they might mention marketing, so I'll add that in. And I'll ask who do we have…
