From the course: Business Acumen for Project Managers

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Insights on safety and physical security for PMs

Insights on safety and physical security for PMs

From the course: Business Acumen for Project Managers

Insights on safety and physical security for PMs

- Many companies talk about putting their people first. And one of the most important ways they demonstrate that commitment is through physical security and safety programs. Physical security and safety play a critical role in supporting many projects. So in this video, we'll talk about how they help to protect both the organization and your team. Let's start with a look at safety. Safety is really about protecting people. Hazards are all around us and companies have an ethical, and sometimes a legal responsibility, to make sure that their employees and their customers are protected from harm. Any time that a project involves changes to a physical space or changes to someone's routine, there's a high potential for danger. The safety team's job is to look for and prevent those hazards. Some of the things that they might look for include sharp surfaces that could cut someone, uneven surfaces that might cause someone to…
