From the course: Business Acumen for Project Managers

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Define the sustainability of your project

Define the sustainability of your project

From the course: Business Acumen for Project Managers

Define the sustainability of your project

- There was a survey conducted by Accenture in 2010. A 93% of CEOs said that addressing sustainability issues would be critical to the future success of their businesses. 93% of CEOs! In this video, we'll learn about what sustainability means and how you can manage the sustainability elements of all of your projects to help those CEOs translate strategy into action. Many times, we make business decisions based entirely on the financial dimension. Will it make money or not? But sustainability means that we need to think about an organization in terms of three things, people, profit, and planet. This is called a triple bottom line approach. To start with, an organization is made up of a group of people called employees. And an organization usually has a mission that's related to meeting the needs of another group of people, their customers. The employees and the customers have family, friends, and…
