From the course: Building Your Technology Skills

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Working with routers

Working with routers

- [Voiceover] Welcome back to another edition of "Building Your Technology Skills." My name is Martin Guidry, and this week we're going to be talking about routers. A router is the network device that forwards information from one computer to another. It operates at the network layer. That's layer 3 of the OSI model. And routers deal with the unit of data called a packet. Routers perform three basic functions. They make routing decisions. They build routing tables. And they learn routes on the network. We're going to look at each of these basic functions in detail. The process of making a routing decision starts when a router receives a packet from a sending device. The router immediately looks at the destination address in the header of the packet. The router then looks up that destination address in a routing table. And based on the information in that routing table, the routers can forward the packet to the next device. And when I say forward the packet to the next device, that's…
