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Working with firewalls

Working with firewalls

- [Voiceover] Hello and welcome back to Building Your Technology Skills. My name is Martin Guidry and this week we'll be talking about firewalls. A firewall is a network device that forwards information from one network to another or possibly blocks the information. The most important thing the firewall does is make the decision, should this information go through or should it be blocked? Firewalls typically sit between two networks, an internal network like your home or office network and an external network like the internet. It would certainly be a security risk to just have an open connection between your home network and the internet. You wouldn't want to let just any traffic pass. So between these two networks we typically place a firewall and all traffic trying to go from one network to the other network has to go through the firewall and the firewall will make decisions about what information can pass and what information cannot pass. The firewall makes these decisions based…
