From the course: Building Your Technology Skills

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Exploring a troubleshooting methodology

Exploring a troubleshooting methodology

From the course: Building Your Technology Skills

Exploring a troubleshooting methodology

- [Voiceover] Hello, and welcome to this week's edition of Building Your Technology Skills. This week, we'll be talking about a methodology for troubleshooting. Troubleshooting is a common task amongst IT professionals. It is the primary responsibility for some IT professionals, but it is an important skill for all IT professionals throughout your career. The troubleshooting methodology I'm going to present today is a series of steps you can follow in all troubleshooting situations. It's something primarily based on my experience, you won't see this published anywhere else. My methodology was inspired by a medical process, so when you go to a doctor, a doctor follows a series of steps of asking questions and running tests to diagnose your illness, and you'll see that my methodology has some similarities to that. So the five main steps in my troubleshooting methodology, number one, understand the problem, number two, examine the situation, number three, perform additional tests if…
