From the course: Building Your Technology Skills

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Authentication and authorization: How they work together

Authentication and authorization: How they work together

From the course: Building Your Technology Skills

Authentication and authorization: How they work together

- Welcome back and thank you for joining me for another chapter of Building Your Technology Skills. I am Martin Guidry and this week we will be learning about authentication and authorization. First, let's define these terms. Authentication is the act of confirming the truth of an attribute of a single piece of data. In this case that single piece of data is the user's identity. When a user attempts to access a system and claims a certain identity, like administrator, we don't just take their word for it. Instead we require the user to prove their identity, usually by providing a password. Authorization is the function of specifying access rights to resources. Once a user's identity has been authenticated, the system will allow or prevent the user to perform certain actions. One user might be granted the capacity to only read documents, while another user might be able to read and write, and another could have access denied. Now, let's talk about what happens when one of these is…
