From the course: Building Applications Using Amazon Bedrock

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Demo: Amazon Kendra and Amazon Bedrock integration

Demo: Amazon Kendra and Amazon Bedrock integration - Amazon Bedrock Tutorial

From the course: Building Applications Using Amazon Bedrock

Demo: Amazon Kendra and Amazon Bedrock integration

- [Narrator] Before we test out our application, ensure that you have given your IAM user permissions to access Amazon Kendra. We completed that step in a previous video. Once you have that taken care of, let's launch the application. So let's head over to Codespaces and we're going to type in here streamlit run, and you have to specify the folder where you made your code changes. For me, it's in 03_06b if you're working from where we left off. Otherwise, you can retrieve the most up-to-date code from the 03_08 folder or the 03_06e folder. But here's where I was working and now I'll specify the name of the file and let's hit Enter. So now we get the prompt to fire up our browser. And remember now with Amazon Kendra, we should be able to query and retrieve information not only from the PDF document that we indexed, which was the employee manual or guidelines, but we should also be able to retrieve information from…
