From the course: Building an Ethereum Blockchain App: 1 Introduction to Blockchain

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Why use the blockchain?

Why use the blockchain?

- In the last episode, you learned that blockchain was initially created to exchange currency, but it can do a lot more than that. Let's start our path toward learning more about blockchain by mapping a real-life example to what blockchain may be able to do for us. Let's take a look at a service organization. Let's keep it really, really simple. How about mowing lawns? All right, so you've got a young, enterprising person who wants to go out and mow lawns, but then how do they get paid? And on the other side, if you want to hire someone to mow your lawn, how do you pay that person? Chances are, you're not going to be able to hand out a credit card and be able to swipe after the work is done, so what do you do? Customers want to be able to offer payment, and the vendors, the lawn mower, wants to be able to accept that payment. So that's a great example of how blockchain may help. So the problems involve both sides.…
