From the course: Building an Effective Cybersecurity Program for Your Startup

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Security controls assessments

Security controls assessments

- [Instructor] Once you've completed your risk assessment, you're ready to tackle a security controls assessment. This assessment focuses on the technical details necessary to make your cybersecurity program actually work. Security controls are the actions you take and the things you put in place in response to your risk assessment. The good news is that you already have cybersecurity controls in place whether you realize it or not. One of the risks in your risk assessment could be a potential data breach that results in the loss of your startup's intellectual property. Chances are your team discussed ways to limit who has access to that IP. A lot of startups that I've worked with rely on Google Workspaces, which includes Google Drive for file storage. In order to access Google Drive, you need an active user account and you need to know the account's password. Bonus points if you've been able two factor authentication…
