From the course: Building an Application with Svelte and Firebase
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Svelte and Firestore CRUD - Svelte Tutorial
From the course: Building an Application with Svelte and Firebase
Svelte and Firestore CRUD
- [Instructor] In this tutorial, we will be creating a todo application using Svelte and Firebase, which will help us perform the CRUD functionality. This is the outcome of the application you'll be building, so let's get started. The first we need to do is go to your desktop and create a folder called todo. After that, go to your CMD and cd into the folder, desktop, todo after that line, cd into it and clone the GitHub repository of the sveltejs template using digit digit sveltejs/template and click Enter. So, this will clone the repo, and after this is done, all we need to do is perform npm install to install the node models and order dependencies that is needed for your application. So, once you are done with that, you will have a clean application. So, in your App.svelte, you can clear all what you have there. I already have build applet of this todo application because we'll not be building it from scratch in…