From the course: Building an Application with Svelte and Firebase

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- [Instructor] Firestore is a NoSQL, document-oriented database. It has no tables or rules. Instead, you store data in documents which are organized into collections. It is built to help you achieve ease in developing your full-fledged application without the need to worry about a database service or a backend engineer. Each document contains a set of key value pairs. Firestore is optimized for storing large collection of small documents, and in Firestore, collections and documents are created automatically. A document in a collection can simply have data assigned to it. If either the collection or document does not exist, Firestore creates it. For an example, we have a collection of cars, and inside the collection, we have a document of different make or model of cars. In this example, I have messages, a model, A class, and year is 2020. To use Firestore, you need to enable it on the Firebase platform. Click…
