From the course: Blockchain Basics

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Challenges that blockchain presents to enterprises

Challenges that blockchain presents to enterprises

From the course: Blockchain Basics

Challenges that blockchain presents to enterprises

- After several years of taking a conservative approach to blockchain technology use in the enterprise, business executives are turning a corner. Despite a number of valid reservations that I discussed in detail previously, leaders to varying degrees are ready to invest in blockchain experiments, prototypes, pilots, and even develop and deploy production solutions. They recognize that the technology may be required due to demands from the marketplace. For example, if you're a bank, you've got to decide whether you're going to support cryptocurrencies or not. Leaders also see a lot of value in the unique qualities of blockchain technology to enhance their internal processes and to deliver better services to their customers. Now that organizations are moving forward, they've still got some hurdles to overcome. One glaring challenge is ensuring the right skills are available. Of course, many businesses will engage a third-party business to assist, but there is a lot of value in having…
