From the course: Becoming a Thought Leader

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What is a thought leader?

What is a thought leader?

- Becoming known as a thought leader doesn't happen overnight. It's a journey that begins when we build a track record in our organization, industry, or niche, and then share our expertise so that others can learn from our experiences. Thought leaders are change agents, people trying to change the world around an issue or cause that they care about. I admire thought leaders like Van Ton-Quinlivan. She came to the US as a Vietnamese refugee at age 11 and climbed out of poverty through education. Now, she's advocating for better access to education for all. She started as a leader of change in her company then developed a national voice and a large following advocating for community college students access to career technical education and high-paying jobs. Thought leaders at their best are like Van, committed to building a shared path forward for a better future. They engage with stakeholders and followers so that together they can bring about long term and sustainable change. That may…
