From the course: Becoming a Thought Leader

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Monetize your expertise

Monetize your expertise

- During the 10 years that I ran a nonprofit trade association for women entrepreneurs, I was a regular speaker at local community and industry events. And I never charged a dime. After I left that role, I can clearly recall the day my mentor said to me, you know Denise, they pay speakers. Now I knew that, but I guess I thought that was for other people. Real experts, a category that I didn't put myself in despite my track record of success. But over time I came to realize that companies and conferences might pay me to speak about what it took to be a change agent. Now on the other end of the spectrum is Avinash Kaushik, the digital marketing evangelist at Google. Avinash started blogging early in his career, sharing his expertise in search engine optimization and web analytics. After his blog picked up an international audience he was approached to turn those blogs into a book, and then a second book. He told me that combined, the income from those books allowed him to donate…
